8 thoughts on “Sugar Rush

  1. AUGH!! You beat me to the sugar rush thing!! Was going to be in one of my MAG novels after the War….oh well. Mine was different anyways…so I’ll probably still do it. Funny, I have that Amanaman fig!


  2. Ha ha ha… payback for the Dark Trooper sketch Red! 🙂 I have actually had this one written since last Halloween but just didn’t use it. I nearly did it for yesterdays and changed my mind Tue. night when I thought of the Jabba outfit one.


  3. I like how yak casually stands by and has that “what the hell…” look on his face every time there is some sort of confrontation among the patrons.


  4. “I like how yak casually stands by and has that “what the heck…” look on his face every time there is some sort of confrontation among the patrons…”

    Ha, 😀 I have never really thought about it that way!

    (Oh, and BTW, I finally logged off, so now I will only be Trooper_1138.)

