After Two Years…

Wow, wow, wow…. WOW! Two years gang! I truly can’t believe it.

Highlights of the past year include: one new Weekend Special (sorry it hasn’t been more, I’ve been busy), posting the 500th strip, breaking over 200,000 site views, The Night Before Yakmas, helping sponsor Sean Crawford and Tim Dry, presenting Jeremy Bulloch with a special print, meeting many other great people, actually tricking some of you on April Fools day, the shooting location finally moved off of my kitchen counter, and watching site traffic pick up from a 300 daily average to a nearly 500 daily average.

I owe it all to you the readers… you guys and gals are great! Thanks for waisting part of your day at Yak’s Pub.

Plans for the next year include: starting up our very own Yak’s Pub Forums, more Weekend Specials (I promise), convention booths, some very interesting guest appearances, a Niktom Jr week, and hopefully, maybe, possibly…. a hand-held, nonelectronic version of Yak’s Pub.

Thanks again and here’s to another great year!